Your Headhunter for the Position Marketing Manager in Healthcare

Fachliche Spezialisierung und Netzwerk

  • Tiefes Branchenwissen:

    Aktuelles Know-How über Prozesse und Strukturen diverser Funktionen und Sektoren.
  • Netzwerk:

    Zehntausende Kontaktpunkte mit Entscheider:innen durch mehr als 100 Events und jährlich > 800 Mandate.
  • Expert:innen:

    Partner:innen mit Branchenexpertise und spezialisierte Recruiting Teams agieren auf Augenhöhe.

Recruiting-Exzellenz und Kundenzentrierung

  • Langjährige Erfahrung:

    Best in Class Recruiting Know-how aus Zusammenarbeit mit über 2.500 Unternehmen in 12 Jahren.
  • Ganzheitliche Beratung:

    Expertise u.a. in Profildefinition, Sourcing, Personalauswahl, Employer Branding und Candidate Journey.
  • Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen:

    Individuelles Angebot basierend auf den spezifischen Anforderungen des Kunden.


  • Mehr passende Kandidat:innen: 

    Kombination aus eigener Recruiting Software und externen Netzwerken / Tools.
  • Datengetriebene Insights:

    Zugang zu relevanten Daten für faktenbasierte Beratung, Prozessoptimierung und Gehaltsanalysen.
  • Sehr hohe Qualität:

    Effiziente Prozesse sind softwareseitig abgebildet und unterstützen Consultants bei der täglichen Arbeit.

Sinceritas is your recruitment consultancy for marketing executives

Marketing management oversees marketing strategies and ensures that they are in line with the company's objectives. All marketing activities aim to position the company itself, its products or services on the market. It increases consequently sales and keeps the company competitive. 

Marketing management is also essential for recruiting. Because in times of personnel shortage, companies must establish themselves as a brand in order to be able to retain well-qualified specialists. (Keyword: Employer Branding) A Marketing Manager is therefore an indispensable part of every company. We support you in finding the best possible candidate. 

Recruiting on different channels

As a successful and experienced consultancy, Sinceritas has proven expertise in the hospital and life science sector. We recruit with executive search and support on social media. We help your advertising campaigns and respond to your individual wishes in the process. With Sinceritas you save valuable time and can benefit from our experience. This way, you can relieve your personnel department (Human Resources) and find the right candidates for the diverse requirements of this position.

Important tasks of marketing management and digitalization

Because a Marketing Manager not only creates marketing plans, develops advertising campaigns, analyses market and competitive data or monitors sales activities. An equally important task is to collaborate with other departments in the company and monitor marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, events and advertising. In the pharmaceutical industry, external sales is still very popular as a contact for HCPs (healthcare professionals). 

In times of increasing digitalization diverse ways for pharma marketing and healthcare are created to reach patients and HCPs in an individualized way, e.g. through Medical SEO, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) or Buyer Personas. It is essential for a marketing management to continuously educate themselves and to know the latest marketing trends and technologies of the relevant area.  

Marketing Management in Hospital and Life Science Industry

In addition to the above-mentioned tasks, the marketing strategy of a hospital for example includes the overall image that is presented of the company to the public. This makes it attractive for future employees and trustworthy for patients. 
For pharmaceutical marketing, strict guidelines has to be followed in Germany to gain confidence. The Drug Advertising Law (in german: Heilmittelwerbegesetz) indicates that a doctor or pharmacist should be asked about "risks and side effects". Prescription drugs may even only be advertised by pharmacists or physicians. 
To create a marketing for a hospital, a pharmaceutical company or even the health sector therefore requires a precise knowledge of the market and its requirements.

Marketing management with qualified candidates

Sinceritas will help you to concretize your idea of the optimal skills of your future marketing management. Our database contains 450,000 contacts and we use algorithmic searches. Within the first 30 days, we are therefore able to present the first candidates with the necessary combination of analytical, creative and leadership skills. Feel free to contact us on one of our channels, we look forward to advising you!


Are you looking for new employees?

Katharina List

+49 40 211 076

Are you looking for a new job?

Inga Strache

+49 40 211 076 229

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