Your Headhunter for the Position Chief Executive Officer in Healthcare

Fachliche Spezialisierung und Netzwerk

  • Tiefes Branchenwissen:

    Aktuelles Know-How über Prozesse und Strukturen diverser Funktionen und Sektoren.
  • Netzwerk:

    Zehntausende Kontaktpunkte mit Entscheider:innen durch mehr als 100 Events und jährlich > 800 Mandate.
  • Expert:innen:

    Partner:innen mit Branchenexpertise und spezialisierte Recruiting Teams agieren auf Augenhöhe.

Recruiting-Exzellenz und Kundenzentrierung

  • Langjährige Erfahrung:

    Best in Class Recruiting Know-how aus Zusammenarbeit mit über 2.500 Unternehmen in 12 Jahren.
  • Ganzheitliche Beratung:

    Expertise u.a. in Profildefinition, Sourcing, Personalauswahl, Employer Branding und Candidate Journey.
  • Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen:

    Individuelles Angebot basierend auf den spezifischen Anforderungen des Kunden.


  • Mehr passende Kandidat:innen: 

    Kombination aus eigener Recruiting Software und externen Netzwerken / Tools.
  • Datengetriebene Insights:

    Zugang zu relevanten Daten für faktenbasierte Beratung, Prozessoptimierung und Gehaltsanalysen.
  • Sehr hohe Qualität:

    Effiziente Prozesse sind softwareseitig abgebildet und unterstützen Consultants bei der täglichen Arbeit.

Sinceritas is your headhunter for executive positions

The CEO of a hospital, medical care center (MVZ) or pharmaceutical company holds one of the highest management positions and reports only to the board of directors. This entails a high level of responsibility and equally high remuneration. She or he represents a "legal entity" (e.g., limited liability company) both externally and internally in court. A CEO is not an employee, but an organ of the company which he or she represents. Thus, he or she also has a fiduciary responsibility. 

Semi-automated search for rapid success

As the shortage of personnel also affects the executive level of a medical company, the call for good personnel consulting is strong. Sinceritas has trained recruiters who use a specially developed algorithmic search to quickly find the right candidates. This is because our network has over 450,000 contact possibilities, which find more options than conventional channels. We find also “hidden candidates”. 

Different gender parity in management positions 

Particularly in the hospital sector, the fact that it is predominantly men who apply for the position of managing director is an aggravating factor. According to Medical Tribune, for the past 10 years, only one in five hospital CEOs has been a woman. In the research-based pharmaceutical industry, the picture is actually different, with 44% women in executive positions. Several leading companies have a woman CEO and/or have committed to future equality. In addition, there is a draft law by the governing coalition that provides for a women's quota in listed companies. With the help of our experienced recruiters, we can encourage women to take on these challenges. 

Leading position with challenges 

In a hospital or MVZ, the managing director is responsible for meeting economic profitability targets while overlooking staffing issues and patient utilization. Internally, he or she ensures that operations run smoothly while externally, fiscal duties must be answered. In this sense, he or she is a legal entity. 

The fact that this task poses great challenges is reflected in the fluctuation in some hospitals, according to a survey conducted in 2021 by the DKI (German Hospital Institute) and the auditing firm BDO. 
At the same time, the compensation in this leading position is commensurate with the responsibility. The pharmaceutical industry exceeds many German companies with its annual salaries. The qualified applicant must be selected accordingly well. 

Personnel consulting also supports the company profile  

Sinceritas supports your personnel search with trained experts not only in terms of content, but also afterwards in terms of personnel retention. We offer you a partnership-based cooperation in which your company profile can be sharpened through the search. We work discreetly with our Executive Search and let you benefit from our experience. Feel free to contact us, we are looking forward to your request!


Are you looking for new employees?

Katharina List

+49 40 211 076

Are you looking for a new job?

Inga Strache

+49 40 211 076 229

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