Your Headhunter for the Position Commercial Management

Fachliche Spezialisierung und Netzwerk

  • Tiefes Branchenwissen:

    Aktuelles Know-How über Prozesse und Strukturen diverser Funktionen und Sektoren.
  • Netzwerk:

    Zehntausende Kontaktpunkte mit Entscheider:innen durch mehr als 100 Events und jährlich > 800 Mandate.
  • Expert:innen:

    Partner:innen mit Branchenexpertise und spezialisierte Recruiting Teams agieren auf Augenhöhe.

Recruiting-Exzellenz und Kundenzentrierung

  • Langjährige Erfahrung:

    Best in Class Recruiting Know-how aus Zusammenarbeit mit über 2.500 Unternehmen in 12 Jahren.
  • Ganzheitliche Beratung:

    Expertise u.a. in Profildefinition, Sourcing, Personalauswahl, Employer Branding und Candidate Journey.
  • Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen:

    Individuelles Angebot basierend auf den spezifischen Anforderungen des Kunden.


  • Mehr passende Kandidat:innen: 

    Kombination aus eigener Recruiting Software und externen Netzwerken / Tools.
  • Datengetriebene Insights:

    Zugang zu relevanten Daten für faktenbasierte Beratung, Prozessoptimierung und Gehaltsanalysen.
  • Sehr hohe Qualität:

    Effiziente Prozesse sind softwareseitig abgebildet und unterstützen Consultants bei der täglichen Arbeit.

Sinceritas is your headhunter for management positions in the healthcare sector

The commercial management in a hospital, a pharmaceutical company or a health insurance company is responsible for the entire operational and financial area. In a hospital, this may include the technical area. It is a management position that works closely with the board of directors. In addition to technical qualifications in business administration, in-depth experience in the healthcare field and personal leadership skills are required. 

Results within 30 days with Executive Search

As Sinceritas has years of experience in the healthcare field, we understand the challenges of such an executive position. With our Executive Search, we can find the right candidate for your pharmaceutical company, hospital or medical care center (MVZ) in the shortest possible time. Through our semi-automated search engine, we manage to present results within the first 30 days and make the first appointments within 90 days. 

KPIs in the medical sector

Precisely because this is such a prominent position, we specifically look for the skills it takes to be up to the task. This includes, for example, the knowledge to measure the set goals through KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

In the pharmaceutical industry, KPIs are set based on patient health and company profit. The extent to which they are met is tracked by the commercial management and communicated further to the Executive Board. Future targets (KPIs) are then developed together with the board. 

In the hospital, plans and KPIs for implementation, execution and possible construction measures for optimal patient care are drafted together with the board and management. 
In addition, the KPIs are directly measurable. From all areas, the commercial management in a hospital examines the economic plans for both purchasing and personnel and services with regard to their profit for the hospital. Bed occupancy, treatment figures and staffing levels are measured in terms of their target and actual status. The commercial management overlooks the entire economic activities of a facility and tries to optimize them. 

The Commercial Directorate also works closely with Controlling in order to be able to overlook processes and transactions accurately. Conscientious communication with the other departments is therefore important, and business knowledge gained through appropriate studies is a prerequisite for taking on this position. 
Furthermore, the work of the Commercial Directorate also involves personnel issues. In this field, the economic efficiency of personnel requirement calculation and the personnel development must be considered. This concerns the entire business of the company.  

Experienced personnel consulting

In addition to many years of experience in the controlling of a hospital or in another company in the health care sector, the applicant should therefore also have strong social leadership skills. Sinceritas has many years of expertise in the healthcare sector and works closely with hospitals. We can sharpen your company's profile during initial interviews and present candidates as quickly as possible. From our database of over 450.000 contacts, you are sure to find the best possible option. Feel free to contact us!


Are you looking for new employees?

Katharina List

+49 40 211 076

Are you looking for a new job?

Inga Strache

+49 40 211 076 229

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